Japan Miyagi Ishinomaki
Miyagi Ishinomaki,Japan
UtilityThis project, located in Ishinomaki, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan, was co-invested by Trina Solar Co., Ltd. (“Trina Solar”) and GE Energy Financial Services (“GE EFS”). It began construction at the end of April 2016 and reached commercial operation on September 1st, 2017. Trina Solar Japan Energy Co., Ltd. (“TSJE”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Trina Solar, was in charge of Development, Engineering, Procurement and Management of this project. The clean electricity generated by the Project, which is sufficient to serve the needs of more than 4,400 Japanese households, will be sold to regional utility Tohoku Electric Power Co. under a 20-year feed-in-tariff contract at the rate of JPY36.00 ($0.30) per kWh.
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